Friday, April 27, 2012

Remodel Update

This is just a short and sweet demo update on the bedroom. It's coming along very slowly! Mainly because the best time to work is nap time and all the clanging and banging results in shorter naptimes...oh yeah and I'm a weakling so I can't do as much as my darling husband!

Paxton has gotten in on the fun with me and is quite the little helper!

When I saw this I thought the remodel might be on hold...I mean who could beat this wallpaper!:)

A good shot of the shambles! No turning back now!

Little helper man! Chopping away...yes in his dinosaur jammajams!That's how we roll! 'Fo Sho'

He was so serious about working. And so encouraging...'You're doing great Mom, I'm still winning but you're doing a good job!'

Timed out for a photo op! Coz that's also how we roll!

I cannot tell you how excited I am to have this done! Hoping Daddy gets some time to help us this weekend and next week!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Churn Dash: two ways

Inadvertently, I used the same block pattern twice with very different results! I realize that, despite the quilting connotation in my blog's name, this is my first quilting post! Enjoy!

The quilt on the left was made for Mr Eli who was born Feb 13. The print is old toys and the stripes look like old pillows, complete with a faux staining.

The quilt on the right was made for Miss Aly, born April 12. I love the bright modern look to this traditional block.

Both quilts are backed with minky fabric. Eli's with brown and Aly's with black.

The Churn Dash is a very old 9-Patch quilt block pattern, originating between 1800 and 1849. Its name is a result of the resemblance of the triangle and rectangle perimeter of the block to a butter churn and the center square to the stick (or “dash”) of the butter churn.

An easy pattern for the churn dash block can be found at  Eli's quilt is simply 6 churn dash blocks.  Aly's quilt uses just 5 churn dash blocks along with 10 1/2 inch setting blocks from the large print.

I love this block because it's so traditional and sappy ole me can't help but think about all the pioneer mama's who made this quilt in anticipation of their little bundles of joy and brides who slept under churn dash quilts made alongside their friends and family in preparation of their weddings. How many churn dash quilts traveled across this country as it's owner followed their dreams? Ah the sentiment of it all!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Remodel Part One

This post needs very little wording...except this....up to this point all of this has been MY handiwork....NOT my big burly husband....(Yes I'd like to hear a 'What what?") But now I'm to a point where I need the big muscles! And the handiman's knowledge of the best way to get carpet out of a closet withouth removing the closet there a way? Maybe cut it? I'm stumped...and a little sweaty so I gave up!

Here you have it...the part of the remodel where our bedroom has no carpet...a pleasant surprise...and our bed is in our living room! (Unlike the last remodel where our bed was in the kitchen....we like to keep it exciting!)

Before! Plain jane and so drab...and definitely not romantic!

 Can I just point out the vertical boards that don't go all the way to the floor? And yes I vaccuumed just prior to pulling the carpet up....A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

 Who needs a couch!It's gonna be a little cluttered for a while!

And surprise! Well not really surprise coz I saw the edges were wood just wasn't sure what i'd find underneath! And YAY!! Wood floors!

So it finally got dark outside, Daddy came home, and I really need to wash my hands and my face one more time before I eat....that carpet was el grosso!!

Stay tuned!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter...full fledged!

I love Easter. I love the cute springy decorations, the sweet little ones in their Easter garb, the dyeing of eggs, the hunting of eggs, the eating around the table with everyone (minus Dr. Husband this year...thanks to calving! We saved him some food!) Mostly, absolute most, I love the story of Jesus. He became human, with a breakable body, to be tortured and killed for our sins. Because of His love for us.  I love Him so much.

 Getting ready to kick off the egg dyeing! Goofing off in our excitement!

 Not our most flattering picture but we had that's where Ly gets the 'lips!'

She loved scribbling on them then dunking it right in the green. I love chubby baby hands!

     This is P's 3rd year of dyeing eggs...every year he turns out that color! Every year! Look who's clean...the one year old!

Now we have a jolly set of eggs to eat! Yummola!

Saturday we participated in the area Easter Pageant. The kids and I were in a scene where the children run to Jesus and the disciples try to push them away. But Jesus tells them to come. Matthew 19:13-15.
 (P was embarrassed to be in a dress...until he saw EVERY OTHER man in a dress!)
Yeah she had like 18 layers on to fight the cold wind!
Daddy was a disciple and a member of the mob. It was really fun to all be dressed and in character. (Sorry didn't get a family picture!)

I was so blessed by the entire pageant, but especially the scene we were in. There were several children to be apart of this scene. We were to go up and 'play games' then when we saw Jesus we were supposed to run up the hill to him. But when it was our turn the kids just took off. Bookin it. They were so excited to see Jesus. One little one tripped over his robe and biffed it. (His mama was close by and he was ok and took off to see Jesus) And I realized that that should be our attitude...Take off running to meet Jesus everyday. Sometimes we'll fall but Jesus will be right there to pick us up. Every. Single. Time. I feel like I have a new view...a new ambition, if you will. To run to stop playing games and just book it up to my Savior trusting that when I trip on my robes, He'll be there to pick me up and love me, just like that Mama did for her boy.

Lyla loved the lambs and she was so good at imitating them! It was darling. She had fallen asleep but woke up for the scene and when she saw daddy as a disciple she kept saying, "Hi Dada. Hi Dada."
P was so bummed we didn't actually get to meet Jesus. And he was concerned the 'Philistines' aka Roman Soldiers were going to actually kill Pastor Gene (portraying Jesus)....that's how real this was. But all in all I think he enjoyed watching it and getting to talk to the pretend Jesus. Oh yeah and playing ninja with all the other little boys. At one point between practice and the show, the pretty little garden of metal statues/crosses was draped with like 8 little boys' robes.

If you do not know the story of Jesus, you are missing out. He came to Earth as a lowly baby, lived as a lowly carpenter, died on a cross accused of sin that he did not commit. BUT He rose again! Death and the grave and our sin on His shoulders could not hold him down! And He did all this for you! Reach out and accept His gift of Salvation.

Sunday dawned bright and beautiful! I'm so glad that Easter Sunday was sunny and bright. That's how I picture the scene of Jesus' resurrection....the opposite of dark.

We enjoyed a day of hunting eggs, eating and spending time with family....there's lots of moments I didn't capture on camera...darn batteries dying on Easter! But here's what I did capture.

 I whipped up his tie before church yesterday...(using a variation of the pattern found HERE) I didn't whipstitch the back...i used a heat bond adhesive to hold it closed....I also cut it out so the print is upside down. It's not perfect. But it's cute!)

I call my kids 'baby' sometimes, as in, 'Here's your sippy, Baby' or 'Bye, Baby' so she stood at the driveway saying, "Bye Baby." In her jelly shoes and pearl necklace.
Did I mention I love Easter garb!?

 Little man just wanted to show me his big daddy rifle gun. I exclaimed. He was happy!

Oh yeah I totally just posted a picture of my Sunflower Cake (thanks Pinterest) on my blog along with my family pictures...when you're proud, you're proud! So pretty!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday! (Don't watch for any blogs for a little while. Mommy has some HUGE projects coming this week!....hoping for a new little 'niece'...any day now Sweet Pea!)