Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Thanks to my friend, Jenni, and her blog post "Favorite Five," I feel inspired to post something...anything, despite the fact that I'm only half way done with about a thousand projects...I feel that posting on any one of those would be very anticlimactic and we're going for big wow power! (To all the English teachers who might be reading this post...I realize that sentence is in no way correct!)

So I give you my version of "Fave Five"....

1. Favorite past time as of late: Gardening. I've been working in Addy's garden to 'deweed' and mulch and decorate. I'm waiting for my bulbs to come up in my 'Gnome Sweet Gnome' garden so I can re plant them and see what we have to work with. I love that everything in Addy's Garden has buds on it. I can't wait for them to open!

2. Favorite saying of all time: This little gem has gotten me through some tough things.

Believe in yourself. You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you stop to look fear in the face. You must do that which you think you cannot do. -Eleanor Roosevelt

3. Fave Recipe: 'Chelsea Chicken' (named because I got the recipe from my friend Chelsea and I didn't know what to call it so it was usually "Ya know that chicken asparagus artichoke rice dish that Chelsea makes'...and I'm too lazy to call it that every time!
  • Chicken breasts (4 medium) (Canned chicken works well if you're in a time pinch)
  • can (or 2) artichoke hearts, drained
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (small amount)
  • frozen asparagus (fresh works too)
  • wild rice
Heat fry pan over medium heat. Cover bottom of pan with small amount of EVOO. Add chicken, artichokes & asparagus. Cover with lid and cook until chicken is done. Serve over wild rice.

4. Favorite thing I saw today:

I really don't know how this happened...but I almost wet myself when I found her! She's pretty proud of her self as you can tell in the picture! Everyone loves Spiderman!

5. Fave Summer Activity: Canoeing/Camping with the family. My husband and I love love love canoeing the Dismal River and have quite a system worked out. He paddles while I look at the scenery...once in a while he says paddle left or right and I do and we do great! Looking forward to a few trips on the river this year! Oh bring on the sunburn and bugs and cold cold river!!

Well that about sums up my 'Fave Five' for today anyways! I hope you are all enjoying this fine day!

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